
New Zealand 2014 (Day 7 - Paihia to Auckland)

July 23, 2014

今天要離開Paihia返Auckland, 一起身梳洗完早餐都未食就同細佬行2-3分鐘去碼頭, 目的係行手信店

買左幾隻kiwi bird公仔, 著住件Bay of Islands 的衫仔特別有紀念價值, 黑色那隻可變做一個欖球

食過早餐之後就離開motel 去Waitangii National Reserve(懷唐伊國家保護區) 

Location of the first signing of the Treaty of Waitangi between Maori Chiefs and the British Crown in 1840

New Zealand citizens 基本上唔洗錢, 但就建議捐NZ$10, 外國遊客就要比NZ$25

Maori war canoes

Great Kauri


跟住行上山搵Treaty House


下一站Whangarei Falls, 由Paihia 又要楂 71km


 Whangarei Town Basin 附近搵到一間bar 食lunch



泊車附近(Town Basin) 有個playground

Claphams National Clock Museum
冇入去, 因為見佢好細又要收費

最初佢地望住個小朋友餵鴿, 之後小朋友就比左好多麵包我地一齊餵

Town Basin 都有個Information Center

最後返到Auckland, 去了New Market 食dinner


New Zealand 2014 (Day 6 - 90 miles beach and Cape Reinga)

July 22, 2014

今朝好早起身, 因為tour bus 7:20am 就黎 motel 接我地, 由Paihia 去到最北的 Cape Reinga 要3個鐘有多, 所以要咁早出發, 而通常由 Auckland 去最北端都會以 Paihia 作為中點站, 否則由Auckland 去 Reinga 要6個幾鐘

要跟local tour, 因為要四驅車先可以行 90 mile beach, 普通租車唔可以行, 我地又無四驅車, 加上聽講潮汐時架車有機會被困, 所以最安全係 join tour


坐了大約個幾鐘停了第一站去了一個cafe 作為 morning tea

Cafe 對開有沙灘


訓訓下突然見架旅遊巴駛左入去個海灘, 終於到了 90 mile beach喇

海灘上突然出現了一隻海獅, 司機即刻停低比遊客落車影相

我有懷疑過呢隻海獅係"妹", 呢度o既"駐場員工", 哈哈...




又停低, 去玩SandBoarding, 旅遊巴放行李的地方一早放了一堆滑板, 有興趣就自已拎黎玩

問題係滑完落黎要行番上去再滑過, 少d體力都唔掂, 呢個鈄波唔鈄, 可能有小朋友(除了我地仲有一家係英國黎的), 因為之後見到另一架旅遊巴停係另一個比較斜的地方



下一站就係Cape Reinga, 紐西蘭的最北端

一落車就落大雨, 好彩行行下就停雨

Cape Reinga is generally considered the separation marker between the Tasman Sea to the west and the Pacific Ocean to the east. From the lighthouse it is possible to watch the tidal race, as the two seas clash to create unsettled waters just off the coast. The Māori refer to this as the meeting of Te Moana-a-Rehua, 'the sea of Rehua' with Te Tai-o-Whitirea, 'the sea of Whitirea', Rehua and Whitirea being a male and a female respectively. (From Wikipedia)

The Tasman Sea (left) meets the Pacific Ocean (right)

之後去了一間cafe 食lunch, cafe 對面有間屋都得意, 個花園放左好多陶瓷公仔, 可能知過 cafe 成日都有遊客會過黎參觀

 食完lunch 就去了Ancient Kauri Kingdom 睇木

The ancient wood is found in swamps in the North of New Zealand.  Ancient Kauri wood is carbon dated at more than 45,000 years old. It predates the migration of Neanderthal man and was already buried in swamps more than 25,000 years before the onset of the last Ice Age.  Ancient Kauri is the oldest workable wood in the world.(From http://www.ancientkauri.co.nz/)

隻蛋好貴, NZD25一隻

Sushi Board + 2 sets Chopsticks (NZD90)

返到Paihia 成 5時多, 再行2-3分鐘去waterfront 諗住睇下手信, 可惜全部已關門

有團友之前去過所以今日冇 join tour, 咁就負責煮晚餐